搜索 Roy

  • 电影动作
    9年前,Wali Khan被印度对外情报局首脑Ashwini Rao派入巴基斯坦卡拉奇,负责汇报印度头号通缉犯Goldman的行踪动向。\r\n  9天前,印度武装部队“马科斯”小组成员Rudra Pratap Singh、印度对外情报局爆破专家Zoya Rehman、孟买街头的圣手神偷Aslam,被印度对外情报局招募并派他们渗透进巴基斯坦去支援Wali Khan,他们的任务是把印度…
  • Banker Mason is after the ranchers land so he can resell it to therailroad for a profit. He has the railroad agent killed and replaceshim with his stooge who then offers even less than Mason. But Rockyeventually suspects Mason and when Bill Anderson informs him theagent is a fake, they head out after Mason
  • The film opens in 1925, during the British rule in India at the height of Indian independence movement is the tale of two Delhi families, that of Nawab Badruddin and Gulshan Rai. The two families are so close that they virtually share the same house. The Nawab's daughter, Husn Bano, has an affair with a young man named…
  • 一个神秘的疯子应召女郎正在杀Mme Clos夫人(Danièle Vlaminck饰),Mme Clos夫人与应召女郎组织有关。Leila(Claude Janna饰)还在莫斯科传教没有回来,夫人要把她的一些女孩送去牙医那里然后把那些女孩变成应召女郎,再去世界各地传教。Jacques Lefin(戈蒂埃饰)是负责的侦探,但当他看着女孩尤其是美丽的Gigi(埃里卡·酷饰)时他被跟踪了,…
  • "伏爾加河流域蒼鬱的平原上,有一群居民崇拜著森林裡的神祇和精靈,相信巫師、詛咒、惡魔縈繞於生活四週,這裡的女人慧黠、空靈、純真、粗獷……,面對自身的情慾,更是直率而坦蕩。導演一改前作《沉默的靈魂》中冷凜的孤絕氛圍,透過看似荒誕的前衛敘事,揮灑出奔放不羈的民俗色彩。全片結構宛如馬賽克鑲嵌畫,二十二位女人的生命切片,被…
  • A mysterious teenager arrives in a small town, attracting the interest of the sheriff as violence surrounds him.