- Trilogy Part One - After losing his family in a accident, a man travels through Iceland to pay respect at their burial site as he meets a young traveler who ran away from Poland.
- On August 15, 2021, Kabul is captured by the Taliban, and journalists of Etilaat Roz, a daily newspaper of Afghanistan are faced with choices. Should they escape, or should they accuse the Taliban of its atrocities? In the end, the head of the newspaper decides to cover the protests against the Taliban, but faces a sev…
- 明朝大将军贺英利用时空金球终于重返明朝,与锦衣卫兄弟萨獒获悉了倭寇和朝廷奸党之间足以倾覆皇权的密谋,绵延400年的惊天危机一触即发。贺英也在红颜知己小美的帮助下开始了抗倭锄奸和保护族人的战斗。