搜索 Rozhdestvensky

  • No-one has done more for the cello than Mstislav Rostropovich, or Slava as he was widely known. As well as being arguably the greatest cellist of the twentieth century, he expanded and enriched the cello repertoire by the sheer force of his artistry and his personality and composers lined up to write works for him.In t…
  • 许多亿年前,恐龙与其它动物和平友好地在地球上生活。像许多动物一样,它们延续物种的方式是雌雄结合生子,通常,母恐龙产下蛋宝宝后,会把它放在离太阳最近的山顶,太阳的热量能使这些恐龙蛋孵化出一个个小恐龙。后来,地球的环境越变越糟糕,气温逐渐降低,当恐龙蛋再被放到山顶时,太阳已经不再能给它们孵化出小恐龙的热量。再后来,恐龙这种…