- Pratima, then a kid, is being told the tale of Hastir Kanya, a neglected first wife of a priest who acquires as his second wife the spoil daughter of a wealthy priest. The lonesome first wife weeps by the river that turns salty. Elephants, attracted by the salty water hear her tale of woes and anoint her. She is transf…
- After many anxious years Hermoni, mother of Mukti who had left home to join an extremist outfit is handed a mutilated bullet ridden body purportedly that of her son. The formal last rites are performed. Then comes the news that the body may not be Mukti's. Thus begins another long wait as Hermoni rekindles her hope tha…
- 2018年欧洲歌唱大赛由葡萄牙里斯本承办,这是欧洲歌唱大赛62年以来第一次落户葡萄牙。本届共有43个国家参赛,将于CET(欧洲中部时间)的5月8日(第一场半决赛)、10日(第二场半决赛)、12日(总决赛)21时举行。