搜索 Rudnik

  • Black and White film, Nominated Best Cinematography.本片的摄影师是Esteban Sapir,后来导演了那部超现实幻想片《天线》What these new Argentinean filmmakers do regarding their influences is a (syncretic?) operation, closer to the appropriation of shots, to…
  • Former police officer and luckless private investigator Simon Brenner has become an emergency medical technician, having been fired from the police force because he slept with his boss's wife. He only wants to keep out of trouble and keep a steady job for a while, but finds himself caught up in a war between two rival …
  • This movie focuses on the sad story of two Greek brothers living in the poorest neighborhood of Munich. As they were part of the small Turkish minority in Greece, the family of Maikis, 17, and Christos, 13, emigrated to Germany to start a new and better life. The boys soon realize that their dreams will not come true. …
  • 电影科幻
  • 一个装备着高度保安设施的高科技实验室在一次科研调查项目中发生事故,代号为“17”的克隆兽逃出实验室,跑进湖里并很快就长成一只巨大的食人魔兽。整个湖泊笼罩在死亡的阴影中。生物实验专家马克意识到了这巨大危险,建议必须立即将克隆兽消灭。卡帕尔博士却认为这正是给克隆兽做实地实验的及好机会,一场正义与贪婪的战争拉开序.....
  • 电影犯罪
    乔安娜(Barbara Rudnik 饰)是政界里一股非常强劲的新兴势力,她的耀眼在为她赢得荣誉和民望的同时,也带来了危险和杀机。于是,一位名叫莫娜的女保镖被指派给了乔安娜,负责保护她的安全。实际上,潜伏在乔安娜身边的莫娜有着自己的算盘,她遭到了犯罪分子的威胁,被迫成为间谍,在保护乔安娜的同时窃取她的私人信息。犯罪分子的目的只有一个…