- 'Free Entry' is an adventurous journey to adulthood, a summer youth drama revolving around the wild yet precarious relationship of Betty and 'V'. As the two 16-year-old girls risk their first steps towards independence, in different ways, they both come to experience the importance of their friendship.
- An homage to Emile Reynaud, the first man to project animated films on a public screen.
- Ten Hungarian filmmakers from different generations have created short films to witness a crucial moment in the history of Hungary: the welcoming into the European Union. Ten poetic reflections about what they take along from their cultural heritage, their personal and professional life, in order to comment on how they…
- Some 9 years ago, Walter Karl is convicted for the brutal murder of 11-year-old Annie Gordon and sentenced to 17 years in prison. Now, out early for good behaviour, his release sends shock waves through the city. The result is a marvelous moral contemplation of society's standards, citizen's rights, courage for the sak…