- Kurds call it Rojava, or the West, the place where the sun sets on Kurdish lands: the north of Syria, the stage of the most violent war of our times, painted in blood by the mass-rape and mass-killings of the ISIS terrorist organization. It is here, in Rojava, in three destroyed cities, that three separate stories tell…
- The cultural magazine in the first, in the weekly change of six editors of the ARD radio stations.
- 她嘴唇的触感 令我难忘\r\n 来自五个不同国家的导演,5个饱含真情意犹未尽的短篇小故事。\r\n 高颜值 深情款款应有尽有。\r\n 1《假装》想要举办个人影展的女摄影师,为了灵感找上了前女友...\r\n “你才是我的缪斯!”\r\n 2《翻腾的飞鸟》 总是被对方欺负,却在不知不觉中再也移不开目光。\r\n “青春伤痛文学”\r\n …