  • 菲利普(弗朗索瓦·克鲁塞 François Cluzet 饰)刚刚结束自己漫长的牢狱生涯,出狱后,他想方设法的想要找到一份稍微体面一点的工作,然而他所做的所有努力均以失败告终。无奈之下,菲利普只能走上行骗之路,他假扮成建筑承包商,以诈骗小型建筑供应商为生。一天,菲利普又故技重施,以承包商的身份来到了一座地处偏远的小镇中,让菲利普没有想…
  • 昂姬(路易斯·斯兹平德尔饰)和她的表妹桑德拉(斯特法妮·索科林斯克饰)不仅同住一个房间,而且都热爱拳击运动。昂姬脸上有棱有角,她充满了钢铁般的斗志。桑德拉幼时丧母,比较任性,身材也比较胖。两女都准备角逐法国拳击锦标赛的一个头衔,都在维特里市(在马恩河谷省)昂姬的父亲约瑟夫(里夏尔·安科尼纳饰)开设的一个小俱乐部里接受严…
  • 电影青春
  • Review:It is the end of the school year for the children of a dormitory town. Most of them leave the place for a vacation with their parents but not Lucien and Adama whose parents can't afford the expense. While the big brothers of the housing estate are busy breaking the law Lulu and Adama manage to sneak into their n…
  • 电影经典
    伊丽莎白总是被童年的恐怖幻影折磨。在她父亲死于一个岛上后,她来到了那里,想知道为什么父亲要在岛上建造一个修道院。同时,伊丽莎白寻找着她黑暗的过去,但似乎岛上的邪恶力量不愿再让她出去…… 意大利恐怖片90年代浪潮中最经典作品 达里奥.阿金图接班人导演Mariano Baino代表作 获奖:亚太奇幻影展国际影评奖 奇幻电影节特别贡献奖
  • Russia Version of Winnie the Pooh and a Day for Eeyore.Another Russian Pooh story. This time the donkey, known from the Pooh stories as Eyeore, is sad because he has no tail. Pooh goes in search of one and finds it attached to a bell that hangs from the treehouse of one Owl. She (yes, in this version it's a she) is off…
  • The film Days of Eclipse is based on a novel by famous Soviet science fiction writers — brothers Arcady and Boris Strugatsky. The action has been transferred to the Central Asia where a young Russian doctor gives treatment to children and …