搜索 Sabato

  • 一群恐怖分子劫走了军方最高级武器一种毒气弹,并劫持了一辆火车与大批人质,如果政府不同意他们提出的条件就会引爆,在这危难之际一名特战队员潜入火车,与恐怖分子展开了惊心动魄的一场激烈较量......
  • 一名警探调查之际,骇然发现一条长达3米,形若蝎子的变种巨虫。当局不敢怠慢,派来联邦调查探员前往研究,当特种部队深入地动时,竟然遭到成千上万的昆虫围困,激烈驳火后,隧道入口倒塌,众人的唯一出路是十里以外的紧急出口,但是他们必须先消灭巨虫……
  • IMDB才2.6分,惨不忍睹啊。。——————————————————————An alien civilization, which facing eminent extinction, kidnaps two famous genetic scientists fr om Earth. A troop of soldiers is dispatched to combat the humanoid robots and rescue the…
  • The Poliziotteschi genre is mostly populated by maverick cops and sadistic criminals; so The New Godfathers is something of an original addition to the genre. As the Italian title suggests; this film focuses on contraband - which a popular focus for this genre, but rather than focus on one side of the war; the film is …
  • The Last Desperate Hours benefits immensely from two great leading performances; chiefly Antonio Sabato in the lead role. Sabato fits his character like a glove and comes across excellently as the detestable sleazebag at the centre of the film. He gets great backup from Pier Paolo Capponi as the lead cop on the case. T…
  • Salvatore "Toto" Cangemi(Antonio Sabato) is a sicilian who has made it big in Milan as a crime boss, his area being prostitution. He is approached by a French crime boss know as "Le Capitaine" he wants to go into business with Toto using his hookers to sell his drugs, only problem is the French aren…
  • Carolinas Calling
    当 Martin 是一位才华横溢但失败的工程师,他创造了一个无限的电源,导致一个古怪的太空外星人坠毁在地球上,两人组成了一个喜剧联盟,试图让 Bob 回家。
  • 主角保罗是一名工程师,拥有看似幸福的家庭。他并不完美,在生活中粗心又有点幼稚,爱幻想还有些花心,对现实生活有着各式抱怨。某天,他闯红灯发生车祸死去,到了天堂后却被告知其死亡比原定时间早了一小时三十二分钟。于是,他被允许在一位天堂员工的陪伴下返回人间,作为丈夫、父亲、朋友,需要在生命最后的一小时三十二分钟内安排完成所有他…