搜索 Sabourin

  • 弗兰西斯是一个漫画艺术家白天和出租车司机在夜间。他的漫画通常是关于他的夜间工作的战功,但当他受到了缺乏灵感,他决定改变它,并专注于他的家人。他创建了被称为“天使”的令人难以置信的旅程,一个科幻故事中的主人公,一个星际的出租车司机,他心爱的女儿也神秘地消失了,搜索。在现实生活中,他的女儿决定把他的画,使他们成为一个神话般…
  • This is a French Canadian Christmas movie for children. The martian comes to this small town in Quebec and becomes friends with the town children. He gives them smarties to get the children into his spacecraft. This alarms the parents and they decide to kill the alien. The alien wins them over and they have a great big…
  • 故事发生在1952年的魁北克,主教毕罗渡(Marcel Sabourin 饰)遭到了囚犯们的软禁,他们只有一个请求,那就是希望毕罗渡能够将他们自导自演的一出根据真实事件所改编舞台剧看完。舞台上,美丽的少年西蒙(奥伯特·帕拉斯西奥 Aubert Pallascio 饰)同落魄贵族瓦利耶(丹尼•吉尔摩尔 Danny Gilmore 饰)相遇了,相同的性别并没有扑灭两人之…
  • When you're young, sometimes it feels like the whole world is against you. At least, that how sixteen-year-old Steeve Simard (Lévi Doré) feels. He has begun his last year of high school at suburban Gaston-Miron High. Sharp-witted and booki…
  • 电影
  • 电影科幻
    Mars et Avril takes place in a Montreal of the future when humanity is ready to move to Mars. But, not everyone is ready to go. Jacob Obus, a charismatic and beloved septuagenarian, leader of the anti-cybernetic movement, takes pride in slowing down time. He plays captivating music on instruments inspired by women’s bo…