搜索 Sahi

  • Hyderabadi Hiralal, who is also referred to as 'Hero' due to his obsession with Bollywood movies, drives an auto-rickshaw and often gets into fisticuffs. Things change when he meets with actress, Roopa, shows her around, and falls head-over-heels in love with her - so much so - when the unit leaves, he drives all the w…
  • ROOTSAHistoryRevealed
    A one hour, unblinking and fact-filled look at the real history of slavery, as revealed in Roots. This documentary features leading historians unpacking the history behind Africa at the time of Kunte Kinte and the Middle Passage, slavery on plantations.
  • 电视剧年代
    在 1995 年,艾丝拉发现了一张她在 20 世纪 40 年代拍摄的婴儿照片,于是决定回到 40 年代去寻找她的母亲和家人。尽管艾哈迈德警告她不要篡改时间,但艾丝拉和艾哈迈德还是来到了 1941 年。艾丝拉立即开始寻找母亲,而艾哈迈德意识到他们制造了时间裂缝。此外,哈立德发现了时间旅行,并从 1919 年来到 1941 年,一心想要寻找他对艾丝拉的爱。…
  • 电影
    Two years after their basketball victory, Los Amigos is reunited by Cecilia, an inexperienced but optimistic coach. Against all odds they find themselves participating in a worldwide watched eSports tournament.
  • 电影
    Rahul's parents have discovered that their new tenant, Pankaj, is from a lower caste and want him to leave but the two boys have fallen in love. Will they be able to express their twice tabooed love
  • 电视剧
    第二季将我们带回到虚构的宾夕法尼亚州比尔小镇。德尔·哈里斯(丹尼尔斯 饰)和格蕾丝·坡(蒂尔内 饰)在经历第一季的悲惨事件后试图重建自己的生活。讲述了一系列看似无关的谋杀案,背后隐藏着一个更大的阴谋,威胁着这个关系紧密的小镇上的每一个人。
  • 电影神话
  • 电视剧历史
    Netflix 推出了扣人心弦的文献片《帝国的崛起:奥斯曼》 全球领先的娱乐服务公司 Netflix 透露了全新文献片《帝国的崛起:奥斯曼》的首批细节。此剧集由杰姆·伊伊特·乌聚莫格卢、塞利姆·巴伊拉克塔尔、比尔康·索库尔卢、奥斯曼·索南和图芭·布尤库斯滕等土耳其知名演员担任主演,将于 2020 年 1 月 24 日在 Netflix 上面向全球上…
  • 综艺
    伊丽莎白一世(1533-1603),英国都铎王朝最后一位君主。本片讲述女王在位40年内建立的秘密情报网络,以及间谍大师William Cecil建立的世界上第一个特勤机关。
  • 电视剧