- The puppets battle their most powerful enemy yet as they protect their new master from the demon God that created the Secret of Life.@
- 2016年之初,虽然名义上已经过了春节,但是深冬的严寒仍然让人哆嗦个不停。偏偏在这个时候,我们的井之头五郎大叔(松重丰 饰)出差来到了北海道的旭川地区。工作繁忙,让他奔波不停,焦头烂额。好不容易工作告一段落,五郎叔决定到街上走走。为了不被临时追加的工作所烦扰,他干脆任性地把手机留在宾馆里,无事一身轻地溜溜达达来到了堆满积雪…
- Leyla and Adam have had a happy marriage for years. However, after a while, their marriage becomes a dead end. The excitement in their marriage is now gone, and Adam falls into a love that causes his heart to beat again. Adem, who falls in love with the woman named Nergis who comes across this period, cannot think of a…
- 公元199X年,人类世界的最高首领因一己私欲发动战争,甚至愚蠢地按下毁灭世界的按钮。世界遭受核武器洗礼,山崩地裂,海水枯竭。部分人类虽侥幸存活,然地球上资源短缺,使得血腥纷争仍在继续。 世间传说“有北斗出现的地方,必现乱事”。身上有七处伤疤、北斗密宗神拳继承者健四郎孤独行走在干涸的大地上,寻找心爱的女人尤丽娅。一路上艰难…
- Miyamatsu, who works as a cable-car operator, is also a film extra. Through his different characters he has been living the life of a stranger, only playing that part. Finally he comes face to face with his own life, the one he had lost. Debut film.