- 短片《Looking Thru the B-Sides》讲述了一个男孩掉进了“兔子洞”之后经历的其妙故事(灵感显然取自《爱丽丝漫游仙境》),短片混合了布偶定格动画、2D手绘以及真人参演等等制作形式。"Looking Thru The B-Sides" follows the adventures of a skater named "Ollie" as he is…
- Patsakorn(男主)为了继续曾经身为芭蕾舞老师的爸爸的梦想,凭借自己的知识和来自寄养家庭的支持,决定开一间芭蕾舞学校。然而,开业当天却发生了意外,他的养父母和姐姐都遭遇意外去世。Patsakorn极其伤心,不停地责备自己。某天,一个女孩,Waenploy(女主)开始默默支持Patsakorn,而Waenploy正是Patsakorn的发小和P爸爸的学生。…
- People ushered in the Odin Yale Festival in the snow, this is a holiday for the Vikings to give gifts! But bad weather may cause this tradition to be cancelled unless the rescue knights can resolve the crisis.
- Plot details are being kept under wraps. Feature adaptation of B.B. Alston's 'Amari and the Night Brothers'.