搜索 Samuthirakani
共找到“17”个结果based on the Chandra Kumar’s novel Lock Up, India’s Academy Award® entry is a visceral, tense crime drama about four Tamil migrants in Andra Pradesh tortured by police into making a false confession and trapped in a Kafkaeseque intrigue. …
The team of Varutha Padatha Valibar Sangam returns with a brand new comedy - Rajini Murugan. The film centers around Rajinimurugan, a jobless youth whose main pass time is to spend time with his friends. After a family dispute that causes rifts between his brother and the rest of his family, Rajinimurgan decides to giv…
怀揣着对未来的无尽憧憬,年轻的世珍(郑有美 饰)背井离乡千里迢迢的来到了繁华的大都市首尔,在那里,她即将展开新的工作生活。可是,现实并不如想象的那样美好,在拮据的生活条件下,世珍不得不蜗居在一间位于地下室的简陋小房子里。然而,即便是这样,世珍也依然抱着积极乐观的态度过着每一天,唯一让她感到困扰的,是住在隔壁的那个粗犷凶…
The film is based on multiple true incidents that took place in the states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.
A young boy falls in love with the daughter of an influential village head and is decides to marry her. Things dont go as planned, as the village head and his family oppose this. The boys older brother takes this as his responsibility and strives to unite them; even if it requires him to use violent methods. Will he su…