搜索 Sandali

  • 这是一个关于皮雅爱上了那个让她的梦想破灭的人的故事。皮雅爱上了舍可哈尔,从来没有意识到这会在她和舍可哈尔建立起一种很兴奋,很正式的关系,而舍可哈尔又一向坚信彼此信任,彼此独立才会彼此相爱。皮雅爱上舍可哈尔,也没有意识到舍可哈尔会有过去。这个过去要是说出来就会是种罪过。它是一次犯罪,一次能够挽救生命的罪行。这时,阿波海出…
  • Hindustan (Urdu name for India) used to a vast territory and countries' like Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangla Desh, and Bhutan were all it's provinces. All this changed when the British established their rule over India, and promoted their policy of hatred, and division - mainly between the Hindus and the Muslims. Af…