搜索 Satur

  • The fortuitous discovery of an Egyptian document from the 11th century provides the definitive key in locating the chalice from the last supper with Christ. An intense investigation qiwan.cc leads us through the ages on a journey to discover the events that shaped universal civilization and what it means to be human.
  • 宁静舒适的乡村,鸟儿欢快歌唱。夕阳将金色的光芒洒遍田野,一户农家的院子里铺满了打下来的谷子和玉米粒,其中还有一枚子弹。门开了,一身八路军装扮的父亲走了出来,他摸了摸女儿的头,并将子弹交到女孩的手里。女孩穿着红色的花袄,她双目失明,看不见眼前的大千世界,父亲留给她的子弹是女孩唯一的牵念。日与夜没有任何区别,女孩和白色小狗…
  • Justino was working in a bull-ring but now he is retired. For him it is very difficult to adapt to the new situation although he will find soon a hobby without forgetting his profession.
  • ChasingtheSaturdaysSeason1
    Chasing the Saturdays is an American reality documentary television series that follows the English-Irish girl group The Saturdays. The series premiered on January 20, 2013, at 10 pm ET/PT on E!.The series chronicles the lives of the group who, after scoring a string of hits in their native United Kingdom, attempt to s…
  • 他她它
    剧团学者麦可(杰夫萨图尔Jeff 饰)和品姆(加恩帕彭劳勒特基雅特Game 饰)正在练习爱情对手戏,但他们之间似乎不只是同学而已。通过三个章节一一展开,他们的过往今来逐渐揭晓,在相互吸引和抵抗内心的挣扎之间, 他们的爱情能否水到渠成?命运又替换他们带向何方?动听原创歌曲搭配刻骨铭心剧情,故事峰回路转绝对出乎意料。Mike本来有一个交往快…
  • 爱情原料
  • 讲述在西班牙内战爆发前的两周内在伦敦和摩洛哥等多个地方所发生的事件
  • 叶奎丽(Tahimi Alvariño 饰)即将前往哈瓦那去和自己的未婚夫安东尼奥(安东尼奥·瓦雷罗 Antonio Valero 饰)完成婚礼仪式,哪知道,车还没有发出就发生了故障,包括叶奎丽在内的一群旅客被困在了原地无法脱身,其中,还有准备回老家帮父亲料理家事的小伙子埃米利奥(维拉迪米尔·克鲁兹 Vladimir Cruz 饰)和虽然失明,却精通机械学的…
  • 综艺美食