搜索 Sau

  • During a railway journey, Baron van Geldern meets an attractive young woman Evelyne in the same carriage. After the train is derailed, they spend a night together at a hotel, and he falls in love with her. Complications ensue when he discovers that she is engaged to his American friend.
  • This is the final show played by female comedy duo Dawn French and Jennifer Saunders. It was performed on stage in front of a live audience. It contains re-enactments of some of their more popular skits, as well as some original material which was written solely for the farewell tour. Two of the more memorable farewell…
  • Patriarch and entrepreneur August Manzl is terminally ill. As his four grown-up children are all spoiled and sluggish, he comes up with a rather cynical idea to determine the future leader of the families empire: whoever of his children shows the courage and willpower to end his suffering within the next week will beco…
  • Saul Leiter could have been lauded as the great the pioneer of color photography, but was never driven by the lure of success. Instead he preferred to drink coffee and photograph in his own way, amassing an archive of beautiful work that is now piled high in his New York apartment. An intimate and personal film, In No …
  • 电影剧情:才子柳遇春仰慕嘉兴八美艳名,前往访艳,巧遇女扮男装的八美,华家八姊妹对春暗里倾心,其兄长欲与春联姻,遂允春以家传宝物为聘,待高中之后,可选其中一妹为妻。春果然高中,华家长女爱珠怕他趾高气扬,与众妹合谋戏弄他,但珠又怕错失良缘,于是多番暗示。几经波折,有情人终成眷属。制片地区:中国香港导演:李寿祺 珠玑编剧:胡…
  • In a medical center in Thailand, where ladyboys go to get cosmetic surgery, a group of young gangsters break in for an urgent operation.
  • 电影
  • 晴朗明媚的郊外,有一间通透明亮的玻璃房子。这是一个经营绿色植物和木制鸟窝的小店,由一个穿着红白格子衬衫的白发老公公经营。某天,留着刺猬头的小女孩推门而入,他从包里拿出了长着长尾巴的蓝色小怪物,希望为小家伙买一个窝。老爷爷示意窝只能给鸟儿用,可是又耐不住女孩的央求,还是决定卖给了她。不久后,女孩拉着小拖车又带来一只贪吃的…
  • 电影恐怖