搜索 Savard

  • Diving at the heart of an initiatory journey where we meet three young Inuit in search of Sarila, a promised land, in order to save their clan from starvation. It is also the story of a struggle between two shamans, Markussi the young, who will find Sarila, and Croolik, the old shaman who knows his power threatened...
  • 为了逃离身为职业运动员的刻板生活,仍处于事业黄金期的蝶泳运动员纳迪亚决定在奥运会之后退役。在完成最后一场比赛后,她迎来了一个自我怀疑的夜晚。再多的荣耀、酒精和陪伴都不能解答她内心的疑问:在运动生涯之外的世界,她如何寻找到自我的存在和定位?影片运用极有感染力的视听语言,将奥运比赛的紧张氛围和赛后的松弛茫然交接在一起,展现…