- One of the most terrible ills of our time, people trafficking, follows the so-called Balkans Route for smuggling people into the West. Bosnian and Croatian papers often carry stories about groups of illegal immigrants discovered by the police, and just as frequent are the news of such imimigrants' deaths. The Melon Rou…
- 切利比达克的指挥风格被视作卡拉扬的精细完美风格的对极——随性自然、不事雕琢。他不像卡拉扬是个彻头彻尾的德奥音乐家,切利比达克更崇尚东方哲学,他师从日本禅学大师,精研禅宗学理,他的音乐演绎和哲学中,含有大量东方禅学式的顿悟和冥思。这部跟踪拍摄长达四年的纪录片,较完整地体现了指挥大师的日常生活,他的音乐活动和灵性体悟。获得…