- A small village is haunted by strange and awful murders. The scared villagers turn to two officials in search for help to solve the crimes. The investigations point to a very perfidious kind of murders: All victims were nibbled off shortly before or after their death. Could an animal be the cause of the strange bite tr…
- Nothing seems to be working out for Danny Valentino. Despite being an aging taxi cab driver, he continues to pursue his unbreakable dream of becoming an actor! But this time, his high hopes get him into a horrible situation which ends up involving all the strange and aloof characters in his life. Now he must fight, qui…
- Münchener Flughafen, Morgendämmerung. Da liegt er, der Willy. Niedergestochen, ausgeblutet und dann auch noch überfahren. Franz Germinger Junior ermittelt.Ein rechtsradikaler Taxifahrer, zwei im Geheimen operierende Agenten sowie die durc…