搜索 Season

  • A food competition series that travels across the country and tackles the food world from a wholly different direction: the restaurants. Sixteen of the nation's best restaurants, representing all variety of cuisines, will compete against each other on their own turf to find out who truly provides the best all-around, t…
  • 2013年4月2日から2014年3月25日まで、続編である『SKE48の世界征服女子 season2』が放送された。season2では、名古屋の有名企業の社長や有名店の経営者を「オヤジィ」と称してスタジオに招き、SKE48のメンバーがオヤジィから生き様や経営哲学等の話を聞きながら「名言」を引き出す「SKE48と説教オヤジィ」がメイン企画として放送されていたが、…
  • “不一样的卡梅拉”32集动画片《小鸡来了》《不一样的卡梅拉:小鸡来了》32集动画片,是原创作者的有趣发挥,比书更丰富,更有想象力,在短短32集的篇幅中容纳了大量的文化信息量。它虽是一部供儿童欣尝的动画片,但它每一集所包含的信息量,对我们成年人也是一个充实知识的机会,会从中受盗匪浅;如果没读过格林童话,你怎么讲吹笛手;你不知道…
  • One of Australia's favourite comedians Judith Lucy, is out to discover where women are at in modern Australia and what it means to men - talking to people from all walks of life from all over the country.
  • Mulder and Scully investigate the mental breakdown and disappearance of a U.S. Air Force officer, Col. Robert Budahas, once a well regarded test pilot. Mulder's research reveals that there is a pattern of breakdowns at Ellens Air Force base but Scully thinks there are any number legitimate medical reasons for what has …
  • A new, hilarious how-to manual full of over the top tips to push the envelope and open the dialogue about the wonders and woes of womanhood, covering everything from frenemies, girl fights and cutting bathroom lines to dancing, drinking and dating.