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  • 电视动画《新网球王子 U-17 WORLD CUP》续篇动画《新网球王子 U-17 WORLD CUP SEMIFINAL》宣布将在 2024 年开播,详情待后续发表!
  • 春福(李美淑饰),常美(尹慧英饰),承丽(金圆姬饰),顺晶(李娜英饰),四姐妹千差万别,可偏偏都在一个国家大企业的销售部工作。承丽,美丽有个性,对结婚毫无兴趣,对自己的工作也不满意,如果有机遇,她会接受任何挑战,并展示自己的才华。常美聪明,漂亮,梦想有一位富有的白马王子爱上她。某天承丽的同学孝均,请她去郊游,四姐妹从此…
  • 电视剧奇幻
  • 电影爱情
  • A former army colonel comes from a village to live in the city with her daughters where he finds it hard to adapt with the modern life.
  • The odyssey of five children, among the 60,000 who were taken away from their homes during the Greek civil war and led to institutions inside and outside of Greece. Today, the granddaughter of one of the children reconstructs that odyssey with the help of two bloggers who, as it is revealed, have central role in the ca…
  • 电影
    Due to financial problems, Yilmaz family moves in their grandmother Saadet's house. But Saadet is not living alone as known. Saadet's old house, which is also a tomb of her deceased husband, is inhabited by beings from another dimension. And this beings don't want anyone in the house, but Saadet.
  • 关于1986年伊朗军队高级将领在后方的家属的故事
  • 电视剧冒险
    布莱德利·詹姆斯(《梅林》)将主演Netflix新动画剧《解放者》(The Liberator)。为什么是主演动画?因为拍摄方法较特殊,将用Trioscope技术,将最新的CG科技结合真人表演来呈现,据称既有动画的视觉美丽,也有严肃题材所需的丰富人类情感细节(图2为效果图)。该剧为二战题材,来自真实事迹,詹姆斯饰演第157步兵团的美军军官Felix Spa…
  • 电影
    尚且在筹备阶段的维姆·文德斯新片《The Beautiful Days of Aranjuez》已成戛纳香饽饽,交易市场上意大利、巴西、希腊都已超前买下发行权。影片剧本由与文德斯合作《柏林苍穹下》的彼得·汉德克撰写,故事讲述一对男女在夏日傍晚分享彼此对于爱与自由的看法。影片将于6月份开始制作。