搜索 Shakibai

  • 电影剧情
    The middle class Hamid Hamoun has been married to painter Mahshid for seven years. However, Mahshid is becoming increasingly frustrated with their relationship, and feels that Hamid is somehow holding her back from her true creativity. When she asks for a divorce, Hamid struggles to come to terms with it, in addition t…
  • 伊朗导演瑞奇·麦瑞(代表作《奶牛》、《邮差》)1993年作品,改编自易卜生的《玩偶之家》,荣获1993年圣塞巴斯蒂安国际电影节最佳影片金贝壳奖、最佳女演员银贝壳奖,1993年法国南特三大洲电影节观众大奖,1993年伊朗Fajr电影节最佳剧本奖。影片讲述的是德黑兰一位年轻漂亮的家庭主妇在丈夫需要大比医疗经费的困难关头,其生活和心态的变化。
  • During the Iran-Iraq war, Reza's wife gives birth, and dies soon afterward. Reza is taken as POW. Shokooh finds Reza's baby and raises her as her own. Many years later, Reza find's his daughter again...
  • Pari is a student of literature at a university in Tehran. She is a confident yet angry girl who is projecting her inner struggle by outwards aggression towards her tutor, her fiancé and her brother and she is on the verge of a nervous breakdown or a mental suicide.An old Sufi book by the name of "solook" hel…
  • 一个因母亲去世受到刺激而患上自闭症的小女孩,内心一直生活在对母亲温暖的回忆里。同学们的排斥,使她成了一只掉队的孤单的做梦的需要爱护的小鸟。这时一名女教师出现在她的生活中,捧起了这只小鸟……