搜索 Sharifah

  • 十岁那年,小娥懵懵懂懂经历了人生第一场恋爱。只爱看书的小娥性格有点男孩气,木星跑来亲近的时候,她只是觉得找对了死党。木星根小娥学英文,小娥在木星身上知道更多伊斯兰教的故事,但木星不一样,他在小娥身上发现的是爱情。他不懂表达,考试妒忌。如果爱情意味着失去友谊,她不想要……导演用纹丝不动地镜头讲述人的心事。
  • 厨师与羊第一季
    COOK AND SHEEP又译《厨师与羊》,是北美地区点击率最高的爆笑动漫。COOK AND SHEEP全集故事讲述的是满嘴胡须的厨师与羊咩咩斗智斗勇的故事。
  • 电影
    The movie is comprised of six inter-related stories that tell of the frantic days leading up to the most important election ever in Malaysia. It follows the lives of everyday people, who come together for their common love: their country. Each of the stories told shows the meaning of being a true Malaysian.