搜索 Sharon

  • Hannah和Rachel是一个美国中西部小镇从小一起长大的好姐妹,然而那里传统的性别价值观与她们之间的深厚情谊显得格格不入。时过境迁,Hannah变成一个大胆,满不在乎的女同志,而Rachel成为一个坚强安静的家庭主妇,通过不断的倒叙和过去的穿插,该片讲述了两位女性在面对婚姻,战争,背叛,以及世俗背弃等困难下如何去维系一段不为人知的感情
  • wo childhood friends grow up. One has a family and the other has a career. One relationship may make or break a family. Paul, the teenage son, must decide what he wants for his future. While family would like to make that decision for him. Watch as all the truth unravels in this drama/ romance
  • One Leg Kicking is a 2001 Singapore comedy-film movie that is about the Singlish-speaking Singaporeans and the English-speaking people from other countries that competes in a soccer event for the 2002 World Cup Finals. The main actors of this movie are Gurmit Singh as Tai Po and Mark Lee as Handsome.
  • A neurological pandemic has consumed the population. Drug-resistance has mutated the virus into a ravaging psychological plague, rendering the 'the dying' desperate, paranoid and violent. Two survivors come together on an isolated farmhouse in desperate circumstances- April, a young mysterious girl with a dark past has…
  • 4个住在以色列拉姆勒城的朋友,已经厌倦了努力减肥,并放弃了节食,取而代之的是成为相扑选手。《尺码问题》、是一部以色列制作的喜剧片,该片有其独到之处,同时又常常令人发笑,记述的是发生在几个好朋友如何成为这项日本竞技运动的高手。该片的编剧兼导演沙伦 梅蒙说在以色列,只要你苗条就有巨大的市场,他想拍摄一部影片来对抗这种“苗条独…
  • Biology governs 20 percent of our lives; the remaining 80 percent is up to us. With this in mind, wellness expert John Spencer Ellis set out to create a life guide to help people realize their potential and achieve success. The Compass is the result. Tracing the journey of a character called the Traveler, the film prov…
  • 年轻的钢琴家卢卡刚刚赢下一场重大赛事,唱片公司争相向他邀约,辉煌的事业在召唤他,他是胜利者!但仅仅因为一时疏忽,他的一切都毁灭了。卢卡自腰部以下全部瘫痪,余生都要受困于轮椅。没有任何事物、没有任何人能帮他脱离沮丧消沉,包括他的合伙人,他的女朋友。他开始在诊所进行康复锻炼,但这似乎毫无意义,自杀才是唯一的出路……拯救他的…
  • 一个关于友谊、爱情和成长的苦乐参半的私密故事。默特尔海滩夏季的轻松生活被一个当地女孩颠覆了,因为镇上来了两个陌生人:一个美丽的诱惑者和一个迷人的漂泊者。
  • 尤拉姆是特拉维夫一个野生动物园的兽医。作为一个单身父亲,他的工作是照顾野猫,对生病的动物进行手术,确保人们在遇到一群犀牛时不会下车。约拉姆越来越看不到他十几岁的女儿罗尼。对她来说,他们黑暗的公寓是一座监狱,她越发频繁地越狱,越发长时间地越狱。一天晚上,一队医护人员出现在他们的门口。一个网络论坛的用户提醒他们Roni决定自杀…
  • This feature-length documentary is a cinematic biography of a song. Inspired by "The Holy or the Broken," Alan Light's critically acclaimed book, it is a definitive exploration of Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah."