搜索 Sharon

  • Two vice cops get entangled in a web of prostitution, blackmail and murder.
  • based on real life events, Summer of '67 brings to life the turbulent times of the sixties and the struggles faced by the men and women impacted by the Vietnam War. Young wife and mother ...@艾米电影网
  • 电影
    It follows the story of Meghna, who gets embroiled in a series of events after her phone gets stolen.
  • A middle-aged man is having problems trying to regain his sexual drive. He leaves behind his old life and tries to discover a simpler happiness through painting and meeting new friends. Wanting to save him from a sexless fate, his friend attempts to solve the mystery of his sexual shortcomings, through any means possib…
  • 美国出生的以色列导演亚萨波隆斯基首部编导轻喜剧电影,入选2016年坎城影展,荣获「影评人週」发行资助奖。导演以幽默诙谐的手法讲述白髮人送黑髮人难以倾诉的无奈与悲哀。荣获坎城影展国际影评人週大奖的《儿子的完美告别》,谈起生离死别举重若轻,笑泪交织感动人心,不仅观众看完起立鼓掌致意长达五分钟,更获得评审团盛讚「悲喜巧妙结合,电…
  • 可爱但紧张的年轻姑娘Sandy摆脱了束缚,在医生告诉她只剩下几周的生命后,决定愉快地沉迷于旧金山和拉斯维加斯的集体狂欢。
  • 重达292公斤的莎伦·希尔曾是英国最胖的女人,严重的病态肥胖使她寸步难行,只能被困在家中......
  • 电影冒险
  • The Mitchell Brothers invite you on a voyage beyond the realm of the ordinary - into a new dream of eroticism."Once again a woman transforms her everyday existence into an irresistible private fantasy of the most bizarre, sensual and electrifying kind! Dwarfs, fat ladies, bearded ladies, muscle men - no character …
  • 露丝(汉内洛勒·埃尔斯纳 Hannelore Elsner 饰)曾是一名驻唱歌手,如今已经84岁高龄的她虽然常常抱怨生活的不公平,却依然对外界持有着善意。虽然拥有过非常不堪的过去,但露丝并没有自暴自弃,而是坚强而又努力的生活着。但是,在被迫搬离了住处住进了老人院后,露丝第一次感到了绝望,对一切都失去了兴趣。乔纳斯(马克思·雷迈特 Max …