搜索 Sherrie

  • Picking up where Jeremy Lloyd and David Croft's classic comedy left off, it's 1988 and Young Mr Grace is determined to drag Grace Brothers into, well 1988, but he has a problem on his hands. Mr Humphries, Captain Peacock, Mr Rumbold and Mrs Slocombe all seem to be stuck in another era. A new member of staff, Mr Conway,…
  • Steven Summers returns home to southern Alabama from college with his girlfriend to attend his Uncle's annual Haunted Hayride. Unaware that an escaped killer is on the loose, Steven will soon face the real life embodiment of PITCHFORK a character his uncle created for the hayride and Steven's childhood tormentor. Steve…
  • Jane and Will are familiar faces on the Los Angeles club scene. They meet officially at drug rehab after Jane OD'ed and Will crashed her motorcycle driving stoned. They hit it off immediately and escape the clinic to travel to Montana and find the bike from Easy Rider. Different from most road movies in that no'one get…
  • 电影剧情
  • It consists of only nine ten minute segments. Each shot/sequence was filmed only once in 35mm film with direct sound. The complexity and ground breaking originality of these shots has obtained widespread international acclaim.
  • 杀机四伏的丛林战场上冲出一队骁勇善战的铁血战士。  美军在亚洲丛林战斗中异常艰苦,著名女歌星麦瑞随老板波特到前线慰问演出,敌人突然袭击,处境危险,威廉队长决定派约翰和约瑟用仅有的吉普车护送波特和麦瑞穿越四十公里封锁线到安全的港口营地。 敌人随时会冒出来偷袭,一路上险象环生,吉普车被打坏,大雨中又误入陷阱,截住了满是尸体…
  • 电影恐怖
    繼草叉和電鋸之後,這次他又要拿什麼出來砍人…?\r\n  幸運生還的阿曼達和其他倖存者逃到鄉間醫院急救,但不幸的是他們不是那唯一的患者,醫護人員又以為他無行動能力而沒將注意力太放在他身上。\r\n  於是殘暴的攻擊又在醫院再度展開,這個殺不死的殺人狂似乎又開始喪心病狂的無差別砍人。\r\n  而偵探路米斯也同時對這個傳說中的殺人魔…
  • 电视剧
    The show follows Gemma (Aimee Lou Wood), who lives for the weekend when she can get blasted and party hard in Stockport, Manchester. But after joining the mile high club with a random hook-up on her way back from a holiday to Portugal, she's pregnant, and it couldn't come at a worse time.The only person Gemma has left …
  • 电视剧剧情
    亚马逊预订13集限定剧《黛西与乐队》(Daisy Jones & The Six,暂译)。亚马逊与瑞茜·威瑟斯彭的公司Hello Sunshine联合制作,瑞茜·威瑟斯彭出任监制,[灾难艺术家]两编剧斯科特·纽斯塔德、迈克尔·H·韦伯操刀剧本。该剧改编自泰勒·詹金斯·雷德的同名小说,故事围绕上世纪70年代一个虚构的摇滚乐团展开。