搜索 Shona

  • JANLEVA 555 is a breathtaking musical romance thriller set in the heartlands of rural India where a group of young filmmakers end up in the jungles just to discover a shocking truth from the remote past which connects them to the present and may prove to be a deadly danger if it is not solved. The story is intertwined …
  • A modern day adventure about the search for special stones touched by the hand of the Lord and brought to the Americas.
  • Gavin Hood的导演处女作,全长只有22分钟,虽然不是默片,但是却完全没有对白。这样的特别处理使得电影的影像更加的令人印象深刻。电影讲述了一个屡次被小偷光顾的小杂货店店主,用不断升级的手段对抗不断升级的犯罪行为,直至最后局面失控。和大多数导演的处女作一样,《店主》是部被忽视的短片,虽然手法比较简陋,甚至连同期录音都没有,更是…
  • 泰山原本已經回到英國,以約翰克雷頓的本名繼承世襲的爵位和封邑,但是他卻在大婚前夕看到異像,並不顧珍的反對,兼程趕回非洲,幫忙守護傳說中失落的城市-歐帕爾。珍在氣消之後,決定追隨泰山前往非洲,結果一抵達就巧遇學者兼探險家耐吉爾瑞文。瑞文原本就打算找出歐帕爾,好名利雙收,如今迷戀上珍,更使他決定與泰山周旋到底…。從1918年到…
  • 父亲远在澳大利亚工作,安吉拉下定决心要实现她发自内心的愿望:让家人在圣诞节团聚。
  • 电影剧情
  • 电影恐怖
  • 无敌女子侦探社第一季
    After her father's death, sensible and cheerful Mma Precious Ramotswe sells her inherited cattle and opens the country's only female-owned detective agency. She hires Botswana Secretarial College graduate (97% in the final exams!) Grace Makutsi as her assistant. Together they solve problems big and small with their wis…
  • 约堡双王第一季