搜索 Shy

  • 电影
  • An engaged England-based Caucasian author falls in love with an Indian.
  • Elektra (Nayantara) lives in a world torn between passion and fixation. She is so possessive of her father Abraham (Prakash Raj), that when he returns home from his plantation in Jaffna, she plans to poison his mind about his wife Diana (Manisha Koirala) having an affair with Isaac (also played by Prakash Raj).When Abr…
  • 曾演出《殺人回憶》、《八月照相館》Jeon Mi Sun在新片《Love is a crazy thing》中飾演故事主人翁Au Jin。居住在Busan的她是一名寂寞的少婦,丈夫只花很少時間去照顧他倆的兒女。Au Jin為了消磨時間,便開始兼職的工作,在一個電話服務中心上班。一天,她接了一個陌生男子的電話,自此,她每天最開心的事便是這位男子的來電。經慫恿之下,Au…
  • 号称根据布宁的《中暑》和日记《被诅咒的日子》改编。
  • 心底善良的塔拉姆达斯早年丧妻,只身将阿沙和凯丝莉两个女儿养大成人。塔拉姆达斯视两个女儿为掌上明珠。当长女阿沙和韦卡斯成亲的时候,塔拉姆达斯将自己的一家工厂作为陪嫁送给了阿沙和韦卡斯。一天,韦卡斯乘飞机去孟买,准备拜访好友阿南。不料,他乘坐的飞机中途坠毁,韦卡斯不幸遇难。塔拉姆达斯失去乘龙快婿悲痛欲绝。他一度打算将那家工…
  • Halaku (Pran), the powerful emperor of Iran, rules the country wisely and with an iron hand. When he comes upon one of his subjects, Niloufer (Meena Kumari), he stakes his claim on her and wants her to be his wife, despite of his wife (Minoo Mumtaz), who opposes his marriage plans. Niloufer, who loves Pervez (Ajit), re…
  • Circa British Rule in India, a man vows to make his only surviving son, Narayan, alias Nani, a Brahmachari to atone for the deaths of five of his children. He takes this child to a remote village in Karnataka, South India, where he leaves his 11 year old son in the care of a learned Archarya, Udup Pandit. Here Nani get…