搜索 Sirada

  • 演员梦破灭后,安提戈涅无奈地从雅典回到故乡小镇。倒塌的房屋,流窜的街狗以及破败荒芜的海滩让小镇笼罩上一股不祥的气息。生活似乎走上了正轨,她找了份工作,联系上旧友,甚至和小她十五岁的男孩子开始了新恋情。然而,小镇平静而衰败的表象下暗藏汹涌,当暴力、默许和忍气吞声日渐影响到她的友谊甚至爱情,这一次,她决定不再冷眼旁观……(…
  • 我的故事
    4 Short films of 4 stories of the main characters named 'i' who are on their different path of L G B T. They are unique in their own way, in love and feel differently. No matter what is waiting for them at the end of their paths, at least, they have decided to be 'i' in the way that they are.