- Smack the Pony is a British sketch comedy show that ran from 1999 until 2003 on Channel 4. Its title was intended to sound like a euphemism for female masturbation; the working title was Spot the Pony. The main performers and writers on the show were Fiona Allen, Doon Mackichan and Sally Phillips. There were also regul…
- 1999年,美国两大摔角品牌WWF(当今的WWE,美国摔角娱乐组织)和WCW(世界冠军摔角联盟)的竞争进入白热化阶段。两个联盟旗下的品牌节目RAW和Nitro每周一的晚上都要进行激烈残酷的收视率大战。为了进一步打压对手,渐渐占据优势的WWF在周四开办新的品牌节目Smackdown!(以下简称SD),对WCW的Thunder给予沉重打击。SD首播于1999年4月2…
- This movie is about Derick and Derwin - two boys who feel nothing but contempt for society. They separate themselves from others by wearing long black trenchcoats and listening to crappy industrial music. They also have nazi memorabilia and pipebombs lying around everywhere in their rooms. One day Derwin is ruthlessly …