搜索 Smitrovich

  • 上个世纪末,美国军方曾秘密研究计划——寻找最高智商人的基因组合与最凶悍的杀手基因配对,克隆出智勇双全的杀手之王以执行特别任务。美国军方在幕后操纵一切……而当他们在游泳馆猎取运动员的血液和基因时,阴差阳错,使对方重伤而送进了医院;而与此同时,著名的神秘作家马丁送受伤的女儿到医院输血……阴差阳错的是,军方特工错把马丁的血液…
  • TV movie based on the the story of the kid who divorced his parents. Gregory has lived a rough life. His father abuses him and his two brothers. The boys are placed with the mother. Gregory is placed in a boys ranch after his mother can't take care of him and his two brothers. While at the ranch a lawyer visiting the f…