- Jamey(Jon饰演)因为反抗他种族主义的老板而失去了工作,只能流落街头,靠擦玻璃谋生。艰难的生活使Jamey误入歧途,帮人干起了偷抢的勾当。之后Jamey在当纽约市户口调查员时遇到了一个年轻美丽的中国女子春花,Jamey爱上了她。春花为了供养她的孩子而嫁给一个无情而富有的商人,她内心深处一直想回到中国,回到孩子的父亲(一个穷困的研究生)…
- Nukitsamees (English title: Bumpy) is a family musical which somewhat echoes the fairy tale of Hansel and Gretel. A brother and sister called Kusti and Iti get lost in a forest while picking strawberries and are captured by an evil forest hag, who uses the two kids as slave labor - Kusti is put to work around the farm,…