搜索 Sonam

  • 贝尔塔的出生在布拉格的一个波希米亚贵族之家,一出生就是女伯爵。   贝尔塔的母亲很能挥霍,家产被逐渐耗尽,1873,已经30岁的贝尔塔在维也纳富有的苏特纳家族担任家庭教师,为苏特纳家的四个女孩教授音乐和外语,在这段期间,贝尔塔与苏特纳家最小的儿子、工程师、小说家阿瑟·贡达卡尔·冯·苏特纳男爵相爱并且私自定婚,但是遭到苏特纳家…
  • This is the story of a mother and her missing son set in the backdrop of 1984 Punjab, when the state was going through a terrible time of terrorism. The film depicts the longing of a mother for her son and her search for her son, who is labelled a terrorist because of the bad times in Punjab
  • 电影
    Gippi is a 14-year-old girl who lives in Simla with her mother Pappi and little brother Booboo. She is overweight and awkward and doesn't know how to handle the physical, emotional and social changes happening in her life. In school, she is a backbencher and is constantly bullied by the popular queen-bee Shamira. At ho…
  • "She Dreamt, We Dreamt is a stop motion animation film based on a real story of love, jealousy, hatred and reconciliation.Marco Casado (Mexico, 1970) Studied the BA in Communications in Mexico, and the MA in Hypermedia in London UK. He has taken courses in film direction, photography and literature. In 1995 starte…
  • 不丹村官敦杜(Tsewang Dandup 饰)很快厌倦了乡村乏味的生活,怀念大城市的绚烂,并计划借朋友的关系前往梦想之地——美国。敦杜在帕罗节(不丹最大的宗教节日)期间请假,不声不响的包好行李,踏上了前往美国的旅程。在乡村公路旁,敦杜邂逅一位僧人,后者为他讲述了一个梦想之地的故事:不丹青年塔西荒废了自己法术的学业,整日心中只是思量…
  • 僧侣和枪
  • 电影
    Death By Audio, an underground venue, is forced to close in 2014. The film focuses on the struggles of maintaining a community in the face of Brooklyn property development, hostile construction workers and a one billion-dollar company.
  • 电影剧情