- 《诺尔玛》原为二幕正歌剧,也有编成四幕演出的。罗马尼编剧,贝利尼谱曲。本剧以公元前50年古罗马占领下的高卢为背景,讲述了高卢威严神圣的女祭司长诺尔玛与族人的死敌——罗马总督波利翁相爱,并生下了两个孩子,但波利翁却负心爱上了更年轻纯洁的女祭司,诺尔玛在万般纠结中,做出了令所有人意想不到的生死抉择。剧中痛彻心扉的爱情之殇令人…
- Our panel of stage performers -- Helen Carey, Elizabeth Franz, Jayne Houdyshell and Zeljko Ivanek -- discuss their roles as featured actors and actresses, the range of work available to them, how they become their characters, dealing with stage fright and forgetting their lines, the audition process, performing in regi…
- Actors Roger Bart (Young Frankenstein), Brian d'Arcy James (Next To Normal), Priscilla Lopez (In The Heights) and Sherie Rene Scott (The Little Mermaid) -- collectively veterans of more than 30 Broadway and off-Broadway musicals -- talk about the differences between performing in musicals and straight plays; acting tec…
- Bringing together performers, directors, playwrights, designers, choreographers, producers and behind-the-scenes personnel from the American and international theatre, the program offers a rare opportunity for students and audiences to see the people who create theatre engaged in thoughtful conversation with one anothe…