搜索 Sotlar

  • 1942年3月31日 - 6月。纳粹德国以718步兵师、717步兵师第737团第3营;意大利第一山地师、第五山地师、22步兵师;克罗地亚“乌斯塔沙”的3个营以及克罗地亚地方卫队的一个营,对波斯尼亚东部、黑山北部以及桑扎克和黑塞哥维那东北地区展开了大规模的清剿,铁托领导的南斯拉夫游击队第1和第2无产阶级旅同敌人进行着殊死战斗。这其中科扎拉战役最为…
  • Two partisan coalminers need to take three orphan children away from dangerous area to the liberated land.
  • Rafal u Nebo (Shots in the Sky) is one of several late-1950s Yugoslavian films to deal with the WWII partisan movement. Upon returning home at war's end, a young lieutenant discovers that his family has been murdered by the Nazis. It's all the handiwork of a treasonous "Chetnik," who during the war worked aga…