搜索 Soto

  • The simple life and the values of loyalty and solidarity of the poor people in the environment of professional boxing, is the plot of this film, where Pepe el Toro shows the effort and tragedies that are experienced in this profession.
  • The story of young Ricky Stratton and his millionaire father, Edward, who lives very much like a young boy himself, in a house filled floor to ceiling with toys. Still, Edward takes raising Ricky seriously, and tries to avoid spoiling him while still letting him enjoy his childhood. Written by Jean-Marc Rocher {rocher@…
  • 电影魔幻
    苏比埃拉可以算得上是阿根廷电影界的得奖专业户了吧, 自81年《天堂的征服》以来, 他的每一部影片都几乎为他赢得了近20项大大小小的国际奖项, 并为他获得了众多国际声誉, 其在阿根廷电影界的地位估计能赶得上库斯图里卡在南斯拉夫电影的地位了, 而两人的电影风格却也都带有强烈的魔幻现实主义色彩. 在七八部已经D出过DVD的苏比埃拉作品中, 我最…
  • 【内容简介】 墨西哥警匪喜剧片。洛洛是一个小有天才的电脑黑客,他和两名业余罪犯及一名俄国黑社会人物组成一个团伙,马上就可大赚一笔。只要他交出一些电脑密码,他可以获得一批钻石。但他正在戒烟,由于欠缺尼古丁,精神不集中,他犯了一个小小的错误。
  • 罗伯特在一次意外少女自杀的过程中重新燃起了自己作家的梦想从而放弃了保险推销员的工作,却不料被实施抢劫的罗杰利用每次在作案之前,他都要罗伯特写一段小说,作案时他就会 “依章办事”,而且屡次成功,然最终罗伯特的命运如何呢?
  • A cargo truck crashes outside a small town in Mexico. The first officer is found stung to death. A scientist finds out that a deadly swarm of wasps(bees?) has made a hive nearby and tries to warn the town. But the mayor refuses to cancel the upcoming festival. Meanwhile, a military outfit appears and takes great intere…