- 全球男團選秀「SCOOL」,天空娛樂與韓國SBS Medianet跨海結盟合作共同製播。MC由SUPER JUNIOR 利特擔任。導師陣容由SUPER JUNIOR銀赫、羅志祥、FTIsland李洪基、婁峻碩、YUJU、編舞家崔容俊所組成。史無前例的夢幻卡司,共同打造全球 新指標偶像男團...
- Bands of the image network wrap and overlay elements in the landscape, decomposing them into a structure of panels, cut-outs and colours. Artworks in open space are transposed into systems of image and sound elements, and wandering through the place becomes an adventure through the bends of bird's eye perspectives, lig…
- A team of astronauts is launched into space during the pandemic. As the planet takes a pause, its inhabitants share their experiences of COVID-19 and the consequences it might have on their mental health. Following the filmmaker’s usual modus operandi, Space Down is made up entirely of images and sounds gleaned off the…
- Greg Vincent is a struggling, alcoholic writer who has suffered a terrible loss in his life and is looking for inspiration for his next story. During this difficult time, he encounters a strange being from out of this world. Could this possible be the basis for the perfect story which could jump start not only his care…
- An alien space craft crash lands in one of the United Kingdom's busiest tourist towns and what follows is a crash course in how to survive the human world known as Earth.