搜索 Stanic

  • 电影恐怖
  • The true story of B.: Torn between an unkind relationship with K. and her feelings for another woman, shy and insecure B. is heading for a disaster. For too long she suppressed her desire and lived a lie. But is it really too late for B. to follow her heart?
  • 波斯尼亚的1995,内战签署和平协议,一支小分队的任务是清除双方边境的地雷。在附近的一个被遗弃的工厂,他们发现一个男人被关在地下室。没有食物,没有水,没有光明。他看起来像是等着他们。军人们带他回驻地,但调查不出他的身份。他拒绝了食物和饮料,看起来很顺服。次天,发现他的士兵失踪了。回到工厂寻找过程中,士兵们发现很多士兵的尸体…
  • 当代法国影坛上最大胆的处女作,富有导演风格并讽刺地审视了一个不断处于生命边缘的女人。克里斯汀的交际能力不如意,于是她从别人那里窃取了谈话语言和业余癖好。她是个经常换工作的临时工。由于强烈需要跟别人联系,她不惜向老板求助,维持着一段脆弱的友谊关系。最后,当她的“假面具”被撕破后,她变得暴躁狂怒。但是影片利用一个反讽的悬念…
  • 不到4分钟的短片,用诗歌一样的语言刻画了一个细腻独特的内心世界,并且有着出人意料的结尾。代表德国入围2012年第六届Iris世界同志短片大赛。
  • Croatian erotic anthology of seven short stories directed by Irena Skoric, all revolving around sex and relationships. Five of the stories following the intimacies of straight couples, where the 6th and 7th stories revolve around a lesbian couple and a gay couple.安娜情欲史http://www.5233tv.com/detail/?2140.html
  • 1916. In occupied Belgrade, a mental hospital is the last free territory of Serbia.
  • 电影
    King Alexander of Yugoslavia and French Foreign Minister, Louse Barthou, were assassinated in Marseille on October 9, 1934. BULLETS OVER MARSEILLE follows the trial of the assassin Vlade Georgijev Cernozemski’s co-conspirators. Through the reconstruction and dramatization of the legal proceedings, but also everything t…