搜索 Steinunn

  • Sharp-suited Erik represents the aspirational face of modern Iceland. Atli, a petty criminal just released from prison, is stuck in a downward spiral.The distance between these two very different brothers vanishes when the duo teams up to smuggle cocaine into Iceland, inside plastic pellets swallowed by a young Polish …
  • 買車被騙,抓姦老婆和她老闆偷情,然後竟變成自己被炒魷魚。衰男只好聽從垂死父親的勸,回老家重振屠宰場事業。但純樸小鎮裡大家各懷鬼胎:鎮長睡銀行經理、銀行經理與牧場頭家暗通情報,牧場頭家欺騙老師感情、老師心碎拉衰男上床,衰男找上參議員又被捅一刀…人人有心機,各個有辦法,衰男只能痛苦吞腹內。絕妙的北歐冷調喜劇,原來冰島人可以…
  • Hildur的男友Jolli因詐欺罪嫌而啷噹入獄。毫無一技之長的她靠著美色進入一間專賣奇幻文學的漫畫書店「Astropia」打工。在裡頭認識了一群對奇幻世界瘋狂著迷的怪胎們。就在她的人生因認識了這群「怪胎」而開始改變時,男友Jolli竟然跟著一群囚犯逃獄,準備綁架Hildur以討回屬於他的東西…。
  • A 40-year-old is hiding in a self-made prison of mundane life. The film opens as he finally becomes resolved to dare gaze at and come to terms with someone's totally different life. His unthinkable past. He turbulently sheds the cobwebs to find that light and happiness have been awaiting him. And this potentially cold …