- 汤姆是一个一塌糊涂的词曲作家,不止他的事业一直处在低谷,就连他帮别人看的房子也出现了一些稀奇古怪的事情---就是这栋房子的地下室发生的事情令人汗毛竖起...一只人类的手掌居然在地下室生长了出来...然后马上发育成了手臂-脑袋-最后长成了一个大活人...汤姆一直在照顾这株"植物",渐渐的变成了他的唯一朋友和监护人.与此同时,汤姆…
- Narrated by Sterling Holloway, this memorable little short tells of two friends who live in Uruguay: Monte, a sleep-flying pelican, and Viddi, the sleep-deprived snipe who watches over him to prevent harm. Viddi's attempts to get some shuteye creates a rift between the pair and grave trouble for the angry Monte.
- A tough kid comes to a new high school and begins muscling his way into the drug scene. As he moves his way up the ladder, a schoolteacher tries to reform him, his aunt tries to seduce him, and the "weedheads" are eager to use his newly found enterprise, but he has his own agenda. After an altercation involvi…