- 千术高手钱文迪(刘德华饰)与女友莉莉(钟丽缇饰)、好友“金手指”阿智配合,在赌局中赢得富豪刘耀祖六百万港币。发现自己被骗的刘耀祖怒不可遏,绑架阿智要挟文迪为其入狱,以便从犯人鲁宾孙(关海山饰)手中拿回刘的三亿财产。文迪担心好友安危只得服从,入狱执行任务,进入了冤家——狱警杀手雄(梁家辉饰)的势力范围。 文迪在狱中凭借…
- Thirty years after the Falkland's War, journalist and military historian Max Hastings explores the conflict's impact and its legacy.Hastings, who sailed with the Task Force in 1982 and reported on the Falklands campaign first-hand, looks at how victory in the South Atlantic revived the reputation of our armed forces an…