搜索 Sting

  • Drei Frauen, drei Lebensalter, drei Filme -- jede der Heldinnen konfrontiert mit den ganz eigenen Konfusionen ihrer Generation: Wer bin ich? Wie will ich sein? Wie sehen mich die anderen? Wie will ich leben? Wer liebt mich? Bin ich zu alt? Vier lesbische Filmemacherinnen gehen diesen Fragen nach.
  • 由平面设计师Federico Gonzalez 和 建筑师Andrea Stinga制作,用ABC字母表方式(名字首字母)介绍了26位建筑大师及他们的代表作品,视频制作模仿1930年的卷轴动画效果,建筑与建筑间的过渡妙趣横生。http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTAwMTY1OTM2.html
  • As the holidays settle in around Houston, Texas, young Austin has but one wish- for a Christmas Daddy. When his mother, Felicia Madaris, learns of his wish, she turns to childhood rival turned family friend, Trask Maxwell, to help fulfill her young son's wish. But soon, Felicia realizes that its not just Austin's Chris…
  • 电影恐怖
    经过上一集的惨烈屠杀,汤米(汤姆斯·德科 Thomas Dekker 饰)侥幸和一名女子逃生,然而厄运如影随形,一名衣着考究的神秘男子追踪到了二人暂时栖身的小旅馆,以类似的手法残忍杀害了那名女子,汤米则在此之后下落不明。与此同时,神秘男子投入大笔金钱抢救了徘徊在死亡边缘的面具人(Nick Principe 饰)。苏醒后的面具人更加残暴,在神秘男子…
  • 电影动作
  • A local children's football team springs into action when they risk losing their beloved old ground to property developers. Can The Stingers raise enough funds to save the historic pitch and its crumbling clubhouse with time, bad luck and Bertha Balzare against them? Thanks to the devious and greedy Bertha and her unfo…