搜索 SuthepPo

  • 电影
    某无良富商的女儿柳(Phintusuda Tunphairao 饰)遭仇家绑架,对方索要一千万泰铢,否则将危及女孩的安全。富商找到业已归隐的大师(Suthep Po-ngam 饰),一番威逼利诱之后,大师只得派出自己的得意门生昆·克拉比(Supakorn Kitsuwon 饰)前往匪徒藏身的某大厦营救。夜幕降临,克拉比抵达目的地,却不知道此行比想象中还要危险。在此之前,第…
  • 电影
    The Holy Man 2, the sequel to the comedy The Holy Man, introduces you to a new young monk named Brother Joey (Joey Boy) who replaces the position of the former Holy Man.Once he arrives at the temple, Brother Joey is assigned to develop the run-down temple as well as solve the problem that the temple is now facing; rock…
  • 电影剧情
    他们想一夜暴富,于是合伙出老千,结局却是四处逃窜。Tod(Shahkrit Yamnarm)京城名吧的魔术师,人送外号“牌仙”,切牌换牌手法灵活自然几乎看不出任何破绽。Sian(Suthep Po-ngam)造假卖假佛牌的老手,是一个佛牌专家。他的侄子Riang(Akkharin Akkharanithimeatharat)狡猾无比,天生嗜赌成性。为了让牌技高超的Tod挑战赌坛真正的大仙…