搜索 Svein

  • 电影惊悚
  • 我们遇见两位同学谁也无法适应学校生活。尽管他已经在那里生活了一年了,托马斯仍然没有接受他的同学。卡斯滕是由几个喜欢的古怪。该片讲述时,他们因种种原因,偷偷离开自己的游泳课,破坏木工房的日子。
  • A country boy has to quit school in Reykjavík and move back home.
  • 爱,恨,酒精和圣诞老人,给你一个不一样的圣诞节。获2001年挪威Amanda奖最佳男演员,最佳女演员提名
  • 改编自瑞典剧作家斯特林堡的同名剧作。导演尤妮·斯特罗美应拍摄要求删减并重新设定很多情节。原著有关梦的部分在电影中更为明显。片中大部分关于梦的事件都和女主阿涅斯的生活有关,她在产二胎时,因难产而垂死,她嫁于一个麻烦的律师,她有一个交心的诗人朋友。故事基调绝望阴郁,知道大女儿的获救才带来一丝生命的感觉。导演说“这是一部有着…
  • 他是天才抑或白痴?患有白血病的十七岁少年诺尔自觉比谁都聪明,不甘于平凡渺小屈从大多数人的规律;冬天的冰岛有如一座白色监狱,冰封的河川雪藏著他的青春热情,更增他内心的孤寂感。他梦想和心仪的女孩双双逃离此地,冲出牢笼,但是命运好像有心和他作对,拼命横冲直撞,换来的却是灰心失望,最后更落得一切失控,而只有付出惨烈的代价才能换…
  • It's winter in a suburb. A housewife is brutally raped. A young woman becomes a victim of attempted rape. The Police tighten noose on Anders, a young road worker who was seen on the site in both cases. The two women think they recognize him in the lineup, and police investigators use all their strength to solve the cas…
  • Kristin is the daughter of a prominent landowner in medieval Norway. She grows up in total harmony with the ideals of the time: strong family ties, social pride and devout Christianity. She accepts the fact that her father has arranged for her to marry the son of another landowner. Kristin's beauty and purity create vi…