- Villains was a British anthology series of thirteen standalone plays first shown in 1972. These plays could be seen as pieces in a patchwork, each having its own particular identity but all joining together to give an overall picture. …
- In 2010, the rock band The National released their fifth album, High Violet. After ten years as critical darlings, the band was finally enjoying wider recognition. As they were about to embark on the biggest tour of their career, lead singer Matt Berninger invited his younger brother, Tom, to be a part of their tour cr…
- 曾几何时,绰号为“TAKE FIVE”的五人盗贼团伙纵横江湖。他们秉承“以盗救人”的宗旨,将从坏人那里偷来钱财的返回受害者,行侠仗义,备受民众爱戴。然而在某次行动中一名警察遇害,由此终结了TAKE FIVE的命运。数年过后,达·芬奇的名作《卢克雷奇娅肖像》将TAKE FIVE当年的伙伴帆村正义(唐泽寿明 饰)、火冈均(入江甚仪 饰)、南真一(六角…
- "Molly's Theory of Relativity" is a sexy, funny, surreal, and devastating portrait of a beautiful twenty-eight-year-old astronomer who, having unexpectedly lost her job, is poised to make perhaps the first reckless decision of her life. Her story unfolds during an eighteen-hour period, on Halloween. Providing…