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  • Driven to make the world better for his baby girl, John Ennis pieces together the cycle of pay-to-play politics that rules America. When insiders control the game, how can an outsider have a voice? Through first-time candidates in Ohio, following the money in our elections, and uncovering the secret history of Monopoly…
  • A documentary about the soul of American music. The film follows the recording of a new album featuring legends from Stax records and Memphis mentoring and passing on their musical magic to stars and artists of today.
  • 本剧描写关于源平合战时期原始麾下的源义经的一生。原作为村上元三的《源义经》,同时原作者也参与了剧作的编剧工作。虽然由原作者参加编剧但未能列入NHK原创大河剧之列。同2002年《利家和松》以及2011年《江~公主们的战国》大类,也描述了源义经的一生,从其母常盘和兄长们在雪原逃跑开始,到衣川馆自害,并及其兄源赖朝征服奥州等等都进行了着…
  • Fatty Finn (Robin 'Pop' Ordell) is the six-year-old leader of a gang of kids in Woolloomooloo. They enter Fatty's pet goat Hector in the annual goat derby, but his rival Bruiser Murphy (Frank Boyd) lets the goat loose before the race. After a series of adventures, Fatty finds the runaway goat and persuades a friendly a…
  • Hernández' life and work was the subject of the short film Unmistaken Hands: Ex Voto F.H by the animation filmmakers the Quay Brothers. The short was inspired in particular by the Hernández short stories "The Balcony" and "T…
  • 乔治·武井,日裔美国演员,因出演经典美剧《星际迷航》的Sulu上校而被广大影迷所熟知。现实中的他在69岁高龄勇敢出柜,并且从演员转变成为了一位幽默风趣、辛辣大胆的同志权益活动家。这部纪录片就是讲述出柜九年后乔治·武井多姿多彩的高调人生。 ◎QAF
  • Inspector Fernack is framed by a cartel of five gangsters and Simon does his best to prove it before all the conspirators are murdered by a mysterious killer.
  • 「Mistake!」是富士台系的综艺节目「SMAP×SMAP」内放送的连续剧。本剧是以2013年2月27日发售的SMAP的第49张单曲「Mistake!/Battery」中的1曲「Mistake!」为基础改编的。