搜索 Taleb

  • 电视剧爱情
    第一次危机刚刚结束,这对年轻的夫妇想要享受他们新婚的幸福,但美泉宫上空突然聚集起黑云:弗兰茨(菲利普·弗洛桑 Philip Froissant 饰)意外地在欧洲遇到了强大的对手。而伊丽莎白(黛芙姆·林瑙 Devrim Lingnau 饰)也承受着巨大的压力,因为王位继承人要尽快确保帝国的未来。  当命运全力打击时,这对夫妻的爱情面临着最终破裂的危险。伊…
  • 一战期间,英军的占领导致伊朗数百万人死亡,Meanwhile Hadj Abolfazl为无家可归的孤儿们建立了一个收容所。
  • Muslims believe in Jesus as a Prophet and believe that his birth is a miracle.   Indeed the Prophet Mohammed commended a unprecedented praise upon Jesus as a Prophet of Islam. Muslims believe Jesus, son of Mary, will return to earth to bri…
  • 「我叫做艾娜。2005 年,我的弟弟開槍殺了我。」 艾娜的娓娓敘述中,時間回溯到七年前,她被停學帶回家中,按照傳統接受父母安排的婚姻。婚後丈夫家 暴,懷孕的艾娜逃回娘家,卻遭到家人的排擠羞辱, 忍無可忍的她帶著兒子離家,求職復學找房子,單親 生活漸上軌道,原生家庭的陰影卻依舊壟罩,謾罵和 騷擾不曾停息。憤怒在一次返家拜訪中引爆,…
  • Chakmeh is a warm and pleasant story of a little girl who gets a pair of new red rubber boots. Unfortunately, at home she notices the other boot has disappeared, and she can't find it anywhere. A boy see how much the boots meant to the girl, and decides to help in the search. Written by Kimmo Ketolainen
  • LonelyGirl15
    Youtube的 video blog 打造的网络巨星一个ID为Lonelygirl15的16岁女孩blogger,Bree Avery。这部电视连续剧是描写这个作为借助网络媒体巨大资源和速度迅速窜红的名人,并且引发各种名人效应的作品。sonychen 整理推荐---------------------------------LOS ANGELES - After more than a year and …
  • Jairan是伊朗德黑兰的一个四岁女孩,她精力十分旺盛。这天,她央求邻居Khanoon太太带她一起到商店购物。她们买了一袋大米,但在公车上把它弄破了,米散落在地上。她祈求真主帮助她,而这真的也灵验了——其他乘客一起来帮助她把米收集起来。在回家的路上,Jairan听到了其他孩子玩耍的声音,但她必须帮助Khanoon太太把米带回家。
  • Since Mimou was seven years old, he was in love with Chama, the neighbor's maid. To avoid the wrath of his demanding father, Mimou fakes his school grades.