搜索 Tami

  • Neenu and Bobby are introducing their parents on the night when Diwali lands on Halloween. Neenu wants to celebrate Diwali, the Festival of Lights, & her nephew Jai wants to celebrate Halloween - the holiday of Horror. Everything goes wrong in this whimsical family comedy. The neighborhood kids get lost searching for P…
  • Katie和Sara从孩提时起便是好朋友,她们一起进入大学。这所大学里的Delta女生联谊会是由Katie的母亲在数十年前创立的,Katie也成为了该联谊会的重要候选成员之一。然而,宣誓周那些天里发生的一些事情,引起了Katie与Delta女生联谊会的决裂。Sara加入了Delta女生联谊会,而Katie则加入了敌对的Kappa女生联谊会,火药味似乎愈来愈浓..
  • After her father's ship is carried off by a sudden storm, the spunky Pippi Longstocking is stranded with her horse, Alfonso,and her pet monkey, Mr. Neilson, and takes up residence in the old family home, which is thought by neighborhood children to be haunted. Soon, two children, Tommy and his sister Anika, venture int…
  • It’s the summer of 1981, and the long school holiday is soon to begin. For the 11 year-old Jan, that leaves precious little time for last minute adventures with his best buddies Stevie and Basti before he must leave the countryside with hi…
  • 电影剧情
    哈尔普瑞特(兰碧 卡普尔 Ranbir Kapoor 饰)以B等成绩勉强大学毕业,家境一般的他没有听从朋友的建议去考工商管理硕士,而是去应聘做销售人员。幸运的是他机缘巧合的获得了为你服务公司老总的赏识进入电脑销售行业,满心欢喜原本大展拳脚的哈尔普瑞特却在一开始就犯了致命的错误,正直的性格让他与索要回扣的客户起了冲突,老板罚他不准再涉及…
  • 电影生活
    金融业才俊丹尼(白梓轩 饰)在香港偶然遇见了游泳教练观奇(彭冠期 饰),他们一个事业成功,是国际公司的中坚,坚信自己的取向;另一个为生病的母亲时时担忧,为了赚钱只得多份兼职奔忙,从裸体模特到送货样样做得……在两人相遇的时候,观奇与自己女友的关系正走到了尽头,丹尼慢慢介入 了观奇的生活,他们一同出游,分享技能与记忆,但丹尼…
  • Atieh (Hatami), a radio talk-show host famed for her on-air relationship advice, travels on pilgrimage with her husband to the holy city of Mashad. Her unspoken quest may be as simple as something to fill the gaping hole in their marriage or as complex as a miracle. A foray alone into the teeming throngs of tourists an…
  • “夏洛特·邦奇的女权传奇”再现了夏洛特的一生:从一位年轻的推进民权发展的理想主义者,到一位女同性恋权利活动家,最后成为国际公认的领袖人物。片中,曾和她一同工作的来自亚洲、非洲、南美及加勒比海地区的女性讲述了她们共同推进女性权利发展,使女性权利得以纳入全球人权进程的故事。片中穿插有夏洛特私人信件的节选,这些信件展现出她致…