- Madhu was engaged to somebody. She ran away to be with her boyfriend, only to discover that he was only after her money and was really fooling around with someone else. She went home to discover her uncle, her only family, had committed suicide. She ran away. While trying to run, she came across her widowed childhood f…
- 她(Sandra Oh 配音)是一个谨小慎微的女人,工作勤恳,不善交际,为了成功情愿多花出一倍的努力。她驻足在红绿灯前,心中若有所思,看红男绿女从身旁经过,并不发表任何看法,但心中自有所念。第二天一早,女人穿戴一新,背上包匆匆赶往单位。她将回形针的形状画在手腕上,提醒自己完成报告后一定要用回形针将文件别好,以给领导留下良好印象。…